Welcome to our online worship service, We’re glad you’re here!  Today”s message is “God Is Working While We’re Waiting”
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CCLI Song # 7030123 – CCLI License # 1238411

David Dodds
Jess Anliker
Gloria Carpenter
Bill Carpenter
Mike Burnes
“No Longer Slaves”
Music by Jonathan David Helser and Melissa Helser
You unravel me, with a melody
You surround me with a song
Of deliverance, from my enemies
Till all my fears are gone
I’m no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God
I’m no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God
From my Mother’s womb, you have chosen me
Love has called my name
I’ve been born again, into your family
Your blood flows through my veins
You split the sea, so I could walk right through it
My fears were drowned in perfect love
You rescued me, so I could stand and sing
I am a child of God


God Is Working While We’re Waiting
God promises to make us unshakeable in our waiting. So often we become consumed with worry and end up easily shaken, but God says that it doesn’t have to be that way. But how do we truly wait on Him?
Presented by Jane Chaffin
Our Story and His Story
Jane Chaffin explains to us how our story can impact generations to come. But it’s the story that Jesus wrote that will last forever as we know how He has changed our lives.

CCLI Song # 6517898 – CCLI License # 1238411

David Dodds
Jess Anliker
Gloria Carpenter
Bill Carpenter
Mike Burnes
“Here’s My Heart”
Music by Louie Giglio, Jason Ingram, Chris Tomlin
Here’s my heart, Lord
Here’s my heart, Lord
Here’s my heart, Lord
Speak what is true
I am found, I am Yours
I am loved, I’m made pure
I have life, I can breathe
I am healed, I am free
‘Cause I am found, I am Yours
I am loved, I’m made pure
I have life, I can breathe
I am healed, I am free
You are strong, You are sure
You are life, You endure
You are good, always true
You are light breaking through
Oh, here’s my heart, Lord
I am found, I am Yours
I am loved, I’m made pure
I have life, I can breathe
I am healed, I am free
‘Cause You are strong, You are sure
You are life, You endure
You are good, always true
You are light breaking through
You are more than enough
You are here, You are love
You are hope, You are grace
You’re all I have, You’re everything


Closing Prayer
Father give us Your peace knowing that You listen for us. Father give us Your Peace knowing that You’re unshakeable. Father give us Your peace knowing that You are good. Father give us Your peace knowing that You’re at work in our life no matter what. We can’t wait to see what You’ll do next.
In Jesus Name and for His Glory we pray,
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Be sure to check out RightNow Media for additional videos for all ages to help inspire to learn more, love more, and look more like Jesus.  This is a great resource for parents to use with their children.